extends Node2D @export var initial = false var activated = false # Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. func _ready(): pass # Replace with function body. # Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame. func _process(_delta): pass func _draw(): var center = $Marker2D.position var rad = 96 var x = -PI/5 var y = -PI/12 var A = center + get_point(-PI/2 - x) * rad var B = center + get_point(0 - y) * rad var C = center + get_point(PI/2) * rad var D = center + get_point(PI + y) * rad var E = center + get_point(-PI/2 + x) * rad var color = Color.DARK_RED var thick = 4 if self.activated: color = Color.RED thick = 16 if self.initial: color = Color.BLUE_VIOLET thick = 4 draw_line(A, C, color, thick) draw_line(C, E, color, thick) draw_line(E, B, color, thick) draw_line(B, D, color, thick) draw_line(D, A, color, thick) func get_point(angle): return Vector2(cos(angle), sin(angle)) func try_activate(): if self.initial: return false self.activated = true self.queue_redraw() return true